Grey Bar Hotel For Real


My latest single draws on personal experiences and feelings.  Grey Bar Hotel is the title and it takes that from a slang word inmates often used to describe the jail.  I started here in 1986 completely green.  This was before they had college corrections programs.  I still ask myself, why didn't I quit after my first shift?  I persevered.

I got the job with the assistance of my father-in-law at the time.  He had been a corrections officer from North Bay and now worked at the local jail.  Being related to him didn't help me at the new job.  I was harassed, taunted, name-called, and had ignorant notes left for me.  This was before the day of workplace harassment legislation.  They weren't going to get rid of me that easy.

In 1991 I went to the newly constructed Northern Treatment Centre.  This was a much more relaxed place.  Being a larger and newer facility it was better.  But I still had other ambitions.  There was no way I was going to do life on the installment plan.  In 1998, I left and became a photographer.  And here I am today.

I don't regret taking the job.  It's given me skills I still use today.  I've met some great people and it's great to bump into them once and a while.  The job will change you.  It's subtle but it changes you.  I had to change the programmed mindset it had instilled in me so I went to therapy and got my head right.  I highly recommend it.

So this song comes from a lot of feelings.  I hope you enjoy the song.  Let me know your thoughts.  You can pre-save the song HERE or Apple Music and anywhere you get your music.