Brian's music is available on Morningstar Records

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In the Tracks of the Black Bear

New album coming January 4, 2025!             And the first single released Nov. 2, 204

Take Me to the Canyon, Single Dec. 14

Take Me to the Canyon is the second single coming December 14 from the album, In the Tracks of the Black Bear.  It's a pretty love song about the trip to the beautiful Agawa Canyon.  Watch for it!

The New Album Is Here!  

The Neighbourhood: Songs & Stories of a Blue Collar Raising

I am so pleased and excited to share the release of my new album, The Neighbourhood: Songs & Stories of a Blue Collar Raising.  This album came about because of a series of photographs I'd taken before COVID of some of the areas of my old neighbourhood and landmarks that I remember growing up.  I've included those images in my show of the same name for a fully immersive experience.

You can purchase my music on Bandcamp  You will also receive the free digital download and the PDF booklet featuring the photos I created that inspired the music!