Modern Cowboy Poetry
Howdy folks and welcome to my cowboy poetry page! I've always known about Cowboy Poetry, but I recently started to delve deeper into it. To study this style of poetry you have to start with your greats like Waddie Mitchell and Baxter Black. There are even lady cowboy poets like Doris Daley. Like anything new I get excited about, I jumped in with both feet! I might not be much of one, but I sure do enjoy this form of artistic expression.
The traditional cowboy poetry is done by real and former cowboys. Like any organization that started at the turn of the century, membership is thinning with age. The cowboy way of life is dying off as old cowboys pass away and fewer people are taking up ranching. Traditions can be important, but for this art form to survive, they'll have to redefine who can write and perform cowboy poetry. I'm not a real cowboy but I respect those folks; that's why I call mine "Modern Cowboy Poetry". It still has the same spirit, but speaks to the old traditions and incorporates the new and modern. I hope you enjoy it!
The Rancher's Daughter
The Day I Earned My Hat
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